Tiny Home Questions Answered
Since I started writing the Tiny Home List blog and creating social media for www.tinyhomelist.com, I have often been asked many questions concerning tiny homes. Because I am also a teacher, I understand that if one person has a question, many others probably have the same question as well. As a result, I decided to answer some of the questions that others have often sought answers for.
What is a tiny house?
When most people use the term tiny house, they are often referring to a home built using conventional methods but on the scale of an RV travel trailer. These homes are often built on flatbed trailers and are owner-built. Their square footage usually does not surpass 300 square feet.
How Much Does Tiny Home Cost?
There are several factors that go into determining the price of a tiny house. The biggest of those is if you plan to build it yourself or have it built for you. If you plan to build it yourself, it is reasonable to estimate that the cost will be between $18,000 and $25,000 for the materials. If you are looking for a completed house, you can find more information and our featured builders here.
Is There a Special Procedure to Move and Tow a Tiny Home?
As long as you meet road requirements you can move your house without any permits or special requirements. It must not exceed 8′ 6″ wide and 13′ 6″ high. Your trailer must have a registered tag and working brake lights and turn signals.
What Type of Vehicle Do I Need to Tow a Tiny House?
You will need a 2 and a half ton vehicle or larger to comfortably tow one of these homes. Examples include: Ford F250, Dodge RAM 2500 and GMC Sierra 2500
What Are The Rules For Hauling Your Tiny Home From State to State?
Most states have a height limitation of 13′ 6″ although some states have been known to have bridges which are lower. It is very important to plan your route accordingly and thereby avoiding bridges that have been built a long time ago.
Can A Tiny House Be Financed?
If you get an RV certification for your tiny home it’s easier to get financing as long as your credit is good.
How Do I Get Rid of Sewage?
You can hook it up to a regular septic system and have regular flush toilets and running water. Another way to do it is using composting toilets. Finally you can set it up just like an RV with holding tanks.
Where Can I Park My Tiny House?
Most people park their mobile tiny homes on their own property or at friend or relative’s place. Some folks travel and move around from place to place. RV trailer parks may be an option too, especially if the tiny home has RV or conventional plumbing. The truth is that tiny houses are still in a grey area and zoning & ordinances don’t really account for this type of alternative housing – but this is changing. Some communities are adapting as the popularity of tiny homes increases. To find out if your community allows tiny homes check with your local planning department. It may be wise to use words other than ‘tiny house’ and instead tell them what you want to do.
Do You Have To Pay Taxes on a Tiny Home?
Whether your home is on wheels or fixed to the ground, you will likely need to pay some kind of tax on it. For an RV, you would pay a personal property tax, like you would for a car or a boat. For a house — and for the land you put your tiny home on — you would pay real estate taxes.
Is Living in a Tiny Home Cheaper?
A small home is generally less expensive than a Mansion. … The average do-it-yourself tiny home costs about $23,000, while the average U.S. home price is up around $273,000. But square foot for square foot, tiny homes are actually tremendously expensive.
Final Words…
As you can see people have many questions when it comes to tiny homes. This is mostly due to the tiny house movement being so young and the curiosity that goes along with something new. When considering living tiny it is vital to do a lot of research to assure that tiny living is for you. In future blog posts I will answer even more questions that you may have.
Until next time…Live Tiny Y’all!