More Money, More Choices By Living Tiny
Saving money weighs on all of our minds, and year after year countless amounts of people try to set goals to change their way of living to save a dollar or two. The problem is as with most goals we set, as time goes on goals tend to fade. But how awesome would it be if there was a way to save enough money that we could live comfortably while doing things we enjoy? To be able to live without the worry of how to pay the mortgage or cover the costs of our next vacation?
There’s a way if you choose it. It might take a little getting used to at first, but the rewards are tremendous! Those who choose to live tiny instead of owning a traditional home are able to pay off their homes quickly, leaving them free from long term mortgages and interest rates.
According to Zillow, it can be estimated that the traditional home (typically starting around 2,600 square feet) costs around $236,000 to buy. That’s just to buy. Now consider the additional costs in interest on a 30-year loan added to it. You can clearly see that just buying a traditional home, locks you in and takes away any true freedom to just get up and go as you please.
It takes roughly $23,000 to build a tiny home that is approximately 100-400 square feet. This difference in costs allows the tiny homeowner to pay off their home quickly and not live paycheck to paycheck as 76% of all Americans do, as CNN reports. This savings in money allows tiny homeowners to start putting money back for retirement, able to travel to wherever and whenever they choose, and not be tied down to a job they may not enjoy.
Working a job that we don’t enjoy can be miserable. In addition, because of not being happy at work, depression and anxiety can take its toll on our health. There is a population of people that wish they could quit their job and do other things that they enjoy more. But with a healthy mortgage to pay, most cannot just get up and quit. Without the security of a job, no matter how much they hate it, they cannot cover their expenses and move on. But by living in a tiny home, there are more options to choose from because of lower purchasing costs by the consumer.
What if you suddenly wanted to travel to the ocean? Go see the Grand Canyon, drive the Coastal Highway? Could you go? Probably not without taking off work, getting someone to watch the house and take care of the pets, and making sure that you can cover the costs. But when you live in a tiny home, costs are more easily covered, you can go as you please if you choose to, and you can even take your home with you.
Life can be daunting. And the ways we choose to live often dictates how we live. By choosing a tiny home, homeowners can save money, pay off their house, and travel extensively. At what point do we say enough is enough, get rid of the stress of daily living, and do something for ourselves that makes us truly happy? Tiny Living may be the option.